Creator of JinFit
Hi I am Janine
I am 30 something & enjoy life, love keeping fit & eating everything in moderation.
I have been in the fitness world since I was 15 & have done every fitness class/gym you can imagine & have always kept myself fit with different challenges.
In 2013 I met the man of my dreams and he changed the way I looked at life. He has been a personal trainer for over 10 years and he knew how passionate I was about training and how much I loved to challenge my body.
He taught me all about nutrition and how to fuel me body for training.
You see I haven't always been a healthy eater for one I work in the n.h.s. and we love the sweet stuff to keep us going as we work so many hours an find it hard to grab a break.
Any who that's when Matt introduced me to the Paleo lifestyle. It was a struggle at first and I suffered with extreme sugar withdrawals and that's when I started to bake my Paleo treats. At first I would take them into work and sell them to friends then Matt thought it would be a good idea to start it as a business and that's when
Jin's Paleo Treats was born and before we knew it we were selling all over the u.k.
This was amazing but I felt I needed something to compliment my healthy lifestyle and I wanted to learn so much more about health and fitness, so I did just that and I became a fitness instructor, Kettlebell Coach and a Personal Trainer and much more.
JinFit was born the summer of 2015.
I strive to keep classes short sweet, sweaty and fun as I know all to well that a women's work is never done.
I hope you will come join me in class so you can fall in love with fitness like I have and also have fun whilst doing
Cariad Mawr
Janine xxx
After starting JinFit I became seriously ill to find out more about me and my journey of becoming fitter and healthier than before pleases visit my blog